MAGPro2 X17 software ver 5.9 released
Tuesday, 23 October 2012
New functions: – TPROT-OFF patch for VAG, OPEL, HONDA, MERCEDES: MED17.1 MED17.1.1 MED17.1.6 MED17.5.2 MED17.5.5 MED17.5.6 EDC17CP14 EDC17CP24 EDC17CP44 EDC17C46 EDC17C54 EDC17CP20 EDC17C46 It is completly automatic function (Service request) realized by Helpdesk in 30 sek. using this function you can UNLOCK ECU by bootloader, then write MOD by OBD. Next updates we will relase
- Published in Flex Updates
MAGPro2 X17 software ver 5.7 released
Tuesday, 18 September 2012
New functions: Added SERVICES: – TPROT PATCH VAG EDC17 TPROT 5-10 using this function you can UNLOCK ECU by bootloader, then write MOD by OBD. If you would like to restore TPROT for some reasons you can write back ORI by Bootloader Tricore -tuning of VAG EDC17/MED17 cars may now be “invisible” for dealers & producers
- Published in Flex Updates
MAGICMOTORSPORT Summer Holiday 2012
Monday, 06 August 2012
MAGICMOTORSPORT Italy will be closed for summer holiday: 12 – 25 august 2012 Sales Dept & Tech Support will not be available 12 – 25 august 2012. Services requests (DPF-OFF & EGR OFF only ) will be realized in max 72h. Przerwa wakacyjna MAGICMOTORSPOR Italy: 12 – 25 august 2012 Dzialy sprzedazy oraz Pomocy
- Published in Info and Communication
VAG PCR2.1 support added for newest CLNA engines
Thursday, 02 August 2012
VAG PCR2.1 support added for newest CLNA engines. Please update firmware of X17 tool from server.
- Published in Info and Communication
New headquarter MAGICMOTORSPORT Italy
Tuesday, 31 July 2012
Dear Client, We would like to kindly inform you that because of the move to our new headquarter the spedition address to use is now the following one: MAGICMOTORSPORT Contrada Agliandroni 10 90049 Terrasini ITALY Szanowni Klienci, W zwiazku ze zmiana siedziby firmy nastapila zmiana adresu wysylkowego: MAGICMOTORSPORT Contrada Agliandroni 10 90049 Terrasini ITALY
- Published in Info and Communication
MAGPro2 X17 & T-BOOT ver 5.6 released!
Sunday, 22 July 2012
Simos PCR2.1 and much more…. New functions: -added new TPROT11 solution for Kia & Hyundai EDC17CP14 bootloader Tricore READ/WRITE/CHK -added ULOCK/LOCK ECU VAG Simos PCR2.1 – VAG 1.6TDI using this function you can UNLOCK ECU by bootloader, then write MOD by OBD. READ/WRITE/CHK by OBD already available. If you would like to restore ECU for some
- Published in Flex Updates
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